Republican National Committee Freedom Matters

Join the millions of Americans fighting every day to keep our country free.

"Freedom Matters" is a movement that champions the importance of freedom in the United States. It's a call to action for millions of Americans who believe in defending and preserving our freedoms.

The core belief of Freedom Matters is that freedom is a fundamental right given by God. This means that every person should have the liberty to live their life and express their beliefs without fear of oppression or censorship.

One of the main goals of Freedom Matters is to stand up for what is true and just. This involves advocating for laws and policies that uphold the truth and protect individual freedoms. They also aim to make sure that the public space, whether it's in conversations or debates, respects and promotes the truth.

The movement is committed to facing challenges head-on with determination and bravery. They understand that defending freedom often means confronting difficult situations and making tough decisions. However, they believe that by staying true to their principles and relying on their faith, they can overcome any obstacles.

Freedom Matters encourages people to join their cause and become part of the alliance fighting for freedom. They believe that by uniting together, they can have a stronger voice and make a greater impact in defending freedom in the country.

Overall, Freedom Matters is about standing up for what is right and fighting to protect the freedoms that we hold dear. It's a movement that is grounded in faith and resilience, and it aims to empower Americans to make a difference in preserving the values that make our country great.

Freedom Matters