Republican National Committee Election Integrity

Election Integrity

Maintaining the Democratic Process's Promise of Fair and Open Elections

One of the most important ideas in our party is that elections should be open and clear. We know that trust in the voting process is very important for a democracy to work well. The RNC works hard to keep the highest standards, which makes sure that every qualified voter can trust that their vote will be counted.
Protecting the right to vote

The Republican National Committee will always fight to protect the right to vote. The Republican National Committee eagerly supports efforts to make sure that all Americans have the same chances to vote. We think that every citizen who is eligible should be able to vote without any problems, and we work to get rid of any things that might get in the way of this important democratic process.
Taking Care of Election Safety
Keeping voting systems safe

In this age of technological progress, keeping our voting methods safe is very important. The RNC is proactive in putting in place strong security means to keep cyber threats at bay. By staying on the cutting edge of technology, we make our voting systems more reliable and make sure that every vote counts.
Keeping an eye on and monitoring

Transparency is the most important thing for a trustworthy election process. The RNC is committed to keeping tracking and oversight systems that work well. Our dedicated poll watchers and election monitors are very important for making sure that the whole voting process is open, honest, and free of outside interference.
Getting rid of voter fraud
Putting in place measures for voter ID

The RNC backs steps that require voters to show ID in order to stop possible voter fraud. We strongly think that making people show ID not only makes the voting process more honest, but it also protects the rights of real voters by stopping identity fraud. It is a sensible way to make sure that our polls are fair and accurate.
Making Sure Voter Rolls Are Correct

The RNC makes it a mission to keep voter rolls correct and up to date. We know that registrations that are out of date or made up can hurt the fairness of the voting process. We want to get rid of mistakes on our voting rolls by regularly reviewing and purging them. This way, our rolls will always reflect the real voice of the American people.
Promoting education in civics
Teaching people how to vote on the election process

Promoting civic education is a key way to give people more power. The RNC is involved in many efforts to teach voters about the complicated voting process. By giving people clear information on how to register to vote and the rules that apply, we give them the power to take part in the political process with knowledge.
Getting people to vote responsibly

Being responsible is a core conservative ideal that includes going to the polls. The Republican National Committee (RNC) supports responsible voting and urges people to make smart choices. We think that voters who know and understand the issues at hand make democracy stronger and make sure that every vote is cast with meaning.
Pushing for changes to the law
Supporting measures that are legislative

The RNC backs changes to the law that make elections more honest. We support laws that hold people accountable for their actions in elections and that strengthen the roots of our democracy. Working with lawmakers, we try to put in place steps that deal with new problems and protect the integrity of our elections.
Putting up legal challenges

If there are threats to the security of the election, the RNC is ready to go to court. We know that sometimes protecting the political process means standing firm against actions that hurt its credibility. We will always stand by the rule of law, which means that any efforts to tamper with our elections will be met with strength.
Getting the American people involved at the local level

The RNC's attempts to protect the integrity of the election depend on people getting involved at the local level. Citizens who share our pledge to a fair and open election process are encouraged to get involved. By working with Americans on a neighborhood level, we create a group of alert people who are committed to protecting the values that make our democracy what it is.
Being open and honest builds trust.

People can trust the RNC and the American people more if they are open and honest. We know how important it is to communicate clearly and keep the public up to date on our efforts to keep elections fair. We want to improve the relationship between our party and the people we work for by encouraging openness.
In conclusion

In closing, the Republican National Committee is fully committed to making sure that the election is fair. As a conservative politician, I'm happy to work with the RNC to protect the democratic process that makes our country strong. Fair elections are important to us. To make sure they happen, we need to protect our voting systems, fight voter fraud, encourage political education, push for changes to the law, and get involved with the American people. This will help our democracy grow in the future. Let's keep fighting for fair elections as an important part of what makes America great.

Election Integrity